
Join an event

Green Office Meeting

26 February 12:00 PM until 1:00 PM

General Members Meeting

03 March from 7:00 PM until 12:00 AM

VESTING Pub Lecture

06 March 5:00 PM until 7:00 PM

Master Activity

14 March 8:00 PM until 10:00 PM

Exam Lunch

20 March 1:00 PM until 3:00 PM

Hitchhiking Weekend

11 until 12 April 2025

We are econometricians









Start Your Career

VESTING helps you to explore potential career paths, connect with professionals, and develop valuable skills. Reach out to the top companies in the field.

VESTING Conference

On this one-day event, several speakers will come to tell about their experiences, applications or views on a theme. The day also consists of two case rounds in which several interesting companies will show students some applications in the field of econometrics, operations research or actuarial studies.

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Gupta European Programme

Before taking off, participants will attend various inhouse days in the Netherlands. During the trip, we will visit several companies with the aim to experience the business culture. The companies differ greatly in their specialities and will shed light on how econometric study skills can be applied abroad. Naturally, there will also be plenty of time to discover the amazing attractions our location has to offer.

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Photo gallery

IIC Activity: Pubquiz

05 February 2025

SC Activity: Iceskating

03 February 2025

Board Announcement Social

06 January 2025

De Econometrist

Does True Randomness Exist?

Have you ever wondered what randomness is? According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, randomness is the fact of being done, chosen, etc. without somebody deciding in advance what is going to happen, or without any regular pattern. Hence, it is a nondeterministic event (an event that can not be directly determined by another event). In [...]
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ORTEC: We are a family of smart explorative minds

We are everywhere around you, probably without you even realizing it. Among other things, we help our logistics customers to efficiently plan their routes and therefore reduce their CO₂ footprint; we help academic hospitals to efficiently plan their workforce and their schedule; we help our services customers to plan their visits to their [...]
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Möbius Strip: The Strangest Shape

A Möbius Strip is a one-sided surface that can be constructed by taking a rectangular strip of paper, twisting it once and joining the ends of the strip. The result is a wonky shaped ring. This ring, discovered by Johann Benedict Listing and August Ferdinand Möbius in 1858, has a number of interesting properties. Most notably, a Möbius Strip [...]
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