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VESTING is the study association for the bachelor Econometrics and Operations Research and for the master Econometrics, Operations Research and Actuarial Studies at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. VESTING has the goal to bridge the gap between theory and practice in the field of Econometrics, Operations Research and Actuarial Studies. VESTING also strives to improve the contact between its members and to offer them the opportunity to develop themselves outside of the study. To achieve this, VESTING organizes many activities, both formal and informal.

Nearly all students of Econometrics and Operations Research are VESTING Member. VESTING currently has more than 600 members, of which approximately 90 are active in a committee or the board of the association. VESTING Activities are well attended and its members feel committed to the association. This can also be seen from our active VESTING Alumni network, consisting of over 400 members, who come together at least ones a year for a catching up activity, but are also involved in the association through lectures and workshops.



We are the study association for Econometrics, Operations Research and Actuarial Studies at the University of Groningen


VESTING helps you to explore potential career paths, connect with professionals, and develop valuable skills. Reach out to the top companies in the field.

  • Inhouse days
  • Internships
  • Vacancies database
  • Lectures
  • Networking events
  • Company tours
  • Recruitment dinners
  • Expedition strategy


VESTING offers you the opportunity to develop en deepen your academic experience. We contribute to a vibrant and intellectually stimulating student environment.

  • Book sale
  • Congress
  • Academic lectures
  • Academic workshops
  • Mentorships
  • Tutoring programs
  • Field trips
  • Econometrics magazine


VESTING organizes many different activities for students in every possible stage of their education and career preparation. VESTING organizes yearly inhouse days, lectures, recruitment dinners and much more in cooperation with companies. Furthermore, VESTING organizes the biggest recruitment event for econometricians in the Northern Netherlands: the VESTING Conference. VESTING is also part of the Expedition Strategy organization, a four day event focussed on strategy consultancy, and the National Econometricians Day (Landelijke Econometristendag; LED), the biggest yearly recruitment event for econometricians in the country. Apart from these yearly events, monthly events such as socials, sports activities and cultural activities offer econometricians a balanced portfolio from VESTING.

VESTING also functions as the link between corporate life and our students. It brings students into contact with companies and organizations where they can for example do an internship or work after their studies. This happens mainly through our careerpage, on which company profiles and vacancies are displayed, but also through personal contact and events.


In addition to organizing formal and informal activities, VESTING is closely involved in the educational programme. We organize a booksale for all members, and hold a yearly Conference and multiple academic lectures. Furthermore, we recruit the mentors who will guide the first year students in their first semester and the year representatives for the university. VESTING also posts and writes relevant articles on its own digital platform, De Econometrist.


VESTING was founded in 1990 by Mirjam van der Zouw and Ideaart Advokaat. Originally, its name is an abbreviation of Vereniging Econometrie STudenten IN Groningen (Association Econometrics Students In Groningen). Since the name of the programme has officially been changed to Econometrics and Operations Research, VESTING can no longer be considered an abbreviation.


f.l.t.r. Wouter Voskuilen, Freeke Boerrigter, Heleen Hulsebosch, Bart Koopmans, Eva Madsen, Jesse Indrisie


Heleen Hulsebosch Chairman
Bart Koopmans Vice-Chairman
Eva Madsen Secretary
Wouter Voskuilen Treasurer
Freeke Boerrigter Internal Affairs & PR
Jesse Indrisie External Affairs

Former boards
2024-2025 - board photo