Green Initiatives 2021


January 2021

To reduce wasteful printing, all emails from the VESTING Board and Committees now include the message 'Please consider the environment before printing this email' in the email signature!


February 2021

The VESTING Board 2020-2021 organized a city walk in collaboration with Stadswandeling050 for active members! The city walk included 5 different stops for snacks and drinks at 5 different restaurants. In this way, it supported these local restaurants. As the walk was in groups of 2, it also encouraged active members to go for a long walk outside together with another active member, in a safe way!

March 2021

The Green Initiative of March focussed on the well-being of VESTING Members. To keep students moving during the exam period, an Ommetje leaderboard was set up via an app of the Hersenstichting. Students could compete to get to the top of the rankings. The more walks, or “ommetjes”, you made, the more points you could earn. In total, more than 400 walks were taken! 

April 2021

In April, the VESTING Board cycled through Groningen on a carrier cycle to collect old clothes from members for het ‘Leger des Heils’. In total, members donated more than 24 kilos of clothing. These clothes can be given to people in need. In addition, the clothing and textiles go to sorting companies. The ‘Leger des Heils’ receives money for this, which it uses to help vulnerable people in our society.

May 2021

During the month of May, the VESTING Board used a green search browser; Ecosia. Searches on Ecosia are powered by 100% renewable energy; they plant trees that fight climate change by removing CO2 from the atmosphere, and they accelerate the energy transition away from fossil fuels by adding solar energy to the electricity grid.


June 2021

The VESTING Board organized the Fifty Delivery in order to avoid food waste! Having loaded a whole lot of snacks from our famous AXECO Flow Traders Fifty Cent Shop in a rented 'bakfiets', we cycled to various places in Groningen to bring members some snacks.


July 2021

In July, the VESTING board ate completely vegetarian for a week. This saved about 600 litres of water and 5 kg of meat. In addition, the VESTING Board has stimulated vegetarian food during the International Programme Barbecue.

August 2021

Together with the University of Groningen, the VESTING Board has started separating its waste. By doing so, waste is reduced by 80%. Next to that, more waste can be recycled and less waste goes to the incinerators.

September 2021

In September, the board and members, carried out voluntary work for Humanitas. At this Green Initiative, elderly people were helped to maintain their gardens.


October 2021

The HTG AXECO Fifty Cent Shop creates a lot of plastic waste. The VESTING Board is trying to minimise this over the years. The aim is to reduce plastic waste by 30% by 2023 in comparison with 2019. The first steps towards this were taken in October. As a Green Initiative, the HTG AXECO Fifty Cent Shop will no longer sell plastic bottles. With this, we also hope to encourage members to use a reusable bottle.

November 2021

In November, 25 VESTING Members grew their moustaches to raise money for the Movember Foundation. This organization raises money to make a difference in the areas of mental health, suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer. The VESTING Members raised €2250 in total, which puts VESTING in the top 20 of Dutch organisations that raised the most money


December 2021

During the Christmas of December 2021, VESTING participated in "De Grote Kerstkaartenactie" of the Ouderenfonds. In the weeks before Christmas, VESTING Members could write a Christmas card for lonely elderly people. A total of about 100 cards were written and sent.