Green Initiatives 2029


January 2019

The VESTING Board has decided to eat at least one day per week vegetarian in January 2019 and challenged its members to join by sharing the recipes.

February 2019

The refrigerator for the Fifty Cent Shop was be substituted for a more sustainable version with an A+ label.

March 2019

The VESTING Board added fruit to the Fifty Cent Shop during the exams.

April 2019

VESTING compensated the flight from the International Program to Taipei by donating the remaining budget to an organization that plants trees and compensated the bus trip from the Weekend Trip to Hamburg by donating the remaining budget to an organization that removes plastic waste from the sea.

May 2019

The VESTING Board followed and promoted a disposable plastic-free diet to create awareness about the amount of plastic that is used every day.


June 2019

VESTING organized a dinner for the voluntary organization Humanitas at Bie de Buuf, a neighborhood restaurant set up by the social enterprise Toentje. 


July 2019

VESTING shared tips on how to travel more sustainably to raise awareness for Earth Overshoot Day.

August 2019

VESTING introduced the position of a confidential counselor. Fenna Beentjes will provide all members in need with a listening ear. 

September 2019

The transformation of the VESTING Room into a greener working environment by introducing standby killers, a plant and an ergonomic sitting ball. 

October 2019

Donating the VESTING Auction money to research of the University of Groningen, focused on decreasing waste by stimulating remanufacturing.

November 2019

November 2019 was the VESTING Charity month where we raised almost €2500 for KWF Kankerbestrijding en Lovely Leah Foundation, we held, for example, a charity auction. 

December 2019

Creating awareness and motivating students to have a sustainable Christmas.