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Introduction Weekend Committee

Introduction Weekend Committee

Every year, the VESTING Introduction Weekend takes place for all new first year EOR students. Together with your committee members, you organise an amazing three day weekend, to introduce and familiarise the first years with VESTING and with each other. During the weekend there will be several activities, such as an obstacle course and a karaoke night!


  • 5 committee members, mostly first years
  • Application deadline: February
  • Committee period: March - September
  • Workload 4 hours per week

The Introduction Weekend Committee of 2024 consists of:

  • Anna Pool (Chairman)
  • Niek Seller
  • Maud van Dam
  • Xavier van der Leest
  • Meike Bakker

Interested? For more information about this committee or one of the other ones, you can contact Freeke Boerrigter (0657538971). Or apply directly when the applications open in February!