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European Programme Committee

European Programme Committee

The European Programme Committee offers EORAS students the opportunity to visit EORAS related companies in a city in Europe and get an idea of the differences with the Dutch business culture. During the company visits there will be business cases to solve and you will get to know the companies, but besides that there will be enough opportunity to discover the city. This year the European Programme will visit Athens.

As an EPC member you will start with the preparations about a year before the trip. Together with the VESTING Board you are responsible for the selection of the destination, after which the committee organizes the trip. Responsibilities include contacting foreign companies for company visits, planning leisure activities in the city, and other responsibilities depending on your function. 

After the committee period you have organized an amazing trip for +/- 20 students. You visited a beautiful city in Europe, expanded your international network and gained many insights into EOR and cultural differences. You learned how to organize an event as part of a team and gained valuable insights besides your studies, which will positively influence your resume.


  • 5 committee members
  • Application deadline: May
  • Period: June-April
  • Workload around 10 hours per week

The European Programme Committee of 2023-2024 consists of:

  • Tomas Wessels (Chairman)
  • Emma Katerberg (Treasurer/Travel Coordinator)
  • Kars van de Meer (External Relations)
  • Lydia Nawas (External Relations)
  • Tycho Veenstra (Marketing Officer)

Interested? For more information about this committee or one of the other ones, you can contact Freeke Boerrigter (0657538971). Or apply directly when the applications open in May!