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Eva Madsen


There is no such thing as 'a day in the life of a secretary'. The function is so diverse, that no two days are the same. Some sides of secretary life are simple, others are very complex. 

I hear you thinking, why is that? Mostly, it is because your tasks are many and consist of small chores, which take a lot of time. Therefore, it is very important to keep track of what you have to do when. Secretary is a real multitasking function.

An important task of the secretary is the booksale. You maintain contact with the sales party and prepare the list of books to be sold, with which you have to start a few months upfront. You have to estimate the sales numbers, check the books with the teachers and communicate everything with the supplier. Getting the books to the students is an important thing you have to arrange as well.

Another one of your tasks is supervising the mail, email and website. Every day a flood of emails enters your inbox and it is your responsibility to get all messages answered, in time, be it by you or the person it is meant for. Maintenance of the website means you post news, keep the website up to date, post pictures of activities, and send the newsletter. Also, you have to make the minutes of the General Members Meeting; this usually takes you multiple days and is underestimated. You make minutes of every board meeting as well.

Another task in your package is VK housekeeping. It sounds simple, but you have to keep an eye on all materials all the time; ordering new supplies when needed and checking whether everything works. Also, keeping the room clean can be a bit of a challenge, considering everyone walks in and out all day every day.

Next task; archiving. The picture archive is of course very important, but the only archive to be maintained. Make a backup of all the online material, the membership information and the Y-disk.

As a secretary, you usually have a flexible enough schedule to take on a few of the distributive tasks of the board. These can vary from the organization of informal activities to lectures.

Conclusion; the life of a secretary is very diverse, which makes it a lot of fun. You are always in the know and get to do a lot of different things. For any questions, just send me a message! I'm always in for a cup of coffee.

Eva Madsen