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Heleen Hulsebosch


Without a doubt, you can sketch an image of the tasks of a chairman: you coordinate the board, are responsible for the policy and are the face of VESTING, both to your members and to the rest of the world. These are not the only things, however. As a chairman, a lot of your tasks take place behind the scenes, invisible for the members. Below I will try to give you a peek into these things. 

First of all it is important that you have the overview of the board. You make the agenda for the board meeting every week and you lead it. During this meeting, all the boards occupations are discussed, which makes the meetings extremely important to keep up to date. But, you have to maintain good contact with your board members outside of the meetings as well. That way, you will always know what is up and what progress everyone is making.

Another important chairman task is the development of the policy. Together with the vice-chairman, you will put the boards vision on to paper and formulate your plans for the year. It is your responsibility to keep an eye on the execution of these plans, and to keep the policy in mind with every decision the board makes. You will contemplate all strategic decisions. With all issues and questions, you can get assisted by the Raad van Commissarissen (RvC). It consists of former chairmen and vice-chairmen and it is your job to inform them of any changes and progress throughout the year. Furthermore, you have dinner with them four times a year. Here you discuss your policy and acquire the input of experienced people. Then at the General Members Meeting, you are the one to present your boards' plans to your members; a very exciting and honourable job. You have to answer all their questions regarding the policy. 

As a chairman you are also responsible for the contact with all external parties, except for companies. You keep in contact with other associations of the faculty, as well as outside the faculty. Every four weeks you meet with the other chairmen of the interim (EBF, MARUG, FSG, and TeMa). You also meet with the FVOG, the mother association of all study associations of the RUG. Furthermore, you meet with the LOES (Landelijk Orgaan der Econometrische Studieverenigingen) every six weeks. This consists of the chairmen of all study associations of Econometrics, countrywide. Twice a year LOES organizes an event for alle econometrics students, being the LESD (Landelijk Econometristen Schip Dag) and the LED (Landelijke Econometristendag). During the meeting you discuss the progress of these two events and any other business of the LOES and maybe the individual associations. VESTING is close to the study programme faculty staff as well. The VESTING Chairman has a meeting with the study coordinator and director every two months. You discuss the business within the programme and VESTING with them, and they advice you on many subjects.

Hopefully, you have a better idea of what a chairman does by now. As you can tell, it is very diverse and focusses on contact moments and the development and execution of the policy. Next to these function specific tasks, as a board member you spend a lot of your time on generic board business; all important decisions are made together. You help all committees and members where you can when it comes to organizing activities, but also when they have questions regarding their studies; you name it. You are present at all activities and VESTING Socials, which is an equally important as fun task. Not only your own socials, but you will also frequently visit the socials of the other associations. You meet a lot of new people and you will manage a very full and exciting agenda. No more boredom, that's for sure! 

For any other questions, don't hesitate to come by my desk or send a message.

Heleen Hulsebosch