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Bart Koopmans


As vice-chairman of VESTING, you need to be a jack-of-all-trades. You must stay up-to-date on everything happening both within and outside the association. First and foremost, you share responsibility with the chairman for developing the policy. Additionally, it's your duty to ensure VESTING is as sustainable as possible. On the other hand, you're also involved in acquiring external parties, conducting interviews for committees, and coordinating various formal committees. Let's delve into these tasks further.

While the chairman presents the policy at the General Members Meeting, behind the scenes, both the chairman and vice-chairman work diligently on its development. Together, you share your vision and devise a policy plan to execute during your board year. To receive advice on policy development and execution, you have four meetings with the Raad van Commissarissen (RvC, ENG: Supervisory Board) throughout the year. The RvC comprises former chairmen and vice-chairmen who have encountered similar challenges during their tenure. Their experience and expertise assist you in successfully achieving your goals.

While the general policy is a joint responsibility of the chairman and vice-chairman, the sustainability policy of VESTING falls squarely on your shoulders. In addition to monthly Green Initiatives aimed at raising member awareness of VESTING's sustainability efforts, it's your job to ensure all VESTING Activities align with the Multi-Year Sustainability Plan. This plan outlines goals for various sustainability-related topics. As vice-chairman, you're expected to update this plan annually in line with the current global landscape. Lastly, while the chairman presents the general policy during the General Members Meeting, you're tasked with presenting the sustainability policy—a great opportunity to showcase VESTING's sustainability efforts to all members.

Now, let's discuss why being a jack-of-all-trades is essential. While the external affairs coordinator oversees partner acquisition strategy and communication with partners, you assist them. You participate in meetings with potential partners, offer strategic advice, and may even engage in cold acquisition. Similarly, concerning internal affairs, while the internal affairs coordinator manages committee interviews, you take notes during these sessions and provide your perspective. Additionally, while the internal affairs coordinator oversees most committees, you're responsible for coordinating most formal committees, leveraging knowledge from both your external and internal affairs roles.

In summary, as vice-chairman of VESTING, you'll experience a wide range of responsibilities. From crafting general and sustainability policies to engaging with partners and conducting member interviews, everything related to VESTING falls under your purview. If you have any questions about the vice-chairman role, please don't hesitate to reach out in any manner you prefer!

Bart Koopmans